Marietta Orthodontic Retainer Care Instructions

Orthodontic Retainers in Atlanta and Marietta, GAAfter your braces come off, you will still have to wear a retainer to ensure that your teeth remain in place.

A retainer is a device worn around the teeth once braces are removed. Retainers allow the bones to tighten around your newly straightened teeth to assure that they stay in alignment. Your retainer is custom made to fit only your teeth, and it plays an essential role in the final stages of your orthodontic treatment.

How Long Will I Have to Wear My Retainers?

The amount of time that you will wear your retainers will depend on many variables. Typically, patients wear their retainers for a couple of years to ensure that the bone structure and the gums tighten around your realigned teeth. Throughout the retention process, you will meet with Dr. Wright to evaluate the fit of your retainer so that slight adjustments can be made if necessary.

You will wear your retainers 24 hours a day; however, they will be removed when eating, for cleaning, and when participating in contact sports.

How to Care for Your Retainers

Brushing your retainer is just as important as brushing your teeth on a daily basis. Cleaning your retainer allows you to remove food debris. To keep your retainers clean, brush them with a toothbrush and toothpaste every time you brush your teeth. If they are not kept clean, the retainers will get a plaque build-up and an odor. You should also rinse your retainer after every meal.

In addition to keeping your retainers clean, there are other important steps you should follow to safeguard your retainers. If you have pets, it is important to keep your retainer away from them. Pets look at retainers as chew toys.

You will be given a protective case for your retainer. Always keep your retainer in its protective case when it is not in your mouth. When you take your retainers out to eat, never wrap retainers in a napkin. You may forget about them and mistake them for trash that gets thrown away. Also, never put your retainer directly into your pocket, purse or backpack without the protective case. Your retainer might become bent or crushed, and it is costly to replace.

Keep your retainer away from heat to keep it from changing shape. Your retainer will melt or warp if it gets hot. Never leave your retainer in a hot car, or by a stove or heater. Never put your retainer in a washing machine or in hot or boiling water.

To learn more about retainers, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

SureSmile® vs. Invisalign® Services in Atlanta, GA

SureSmile® Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAYour smile is important, so you want the best treatment options to get that perfect smile. Dr. Wright offers the most advanced teeth straightening methods to help you achieve that smile in the best possible way.

If you are thinking about straightening your teeth, you will want to consider treatment with SureSmile® or Invisalign®. The following information tells you about both of these cutting-edge treatment plans.


SureSmile® is an innovative orthodontic treatment that utilizes advanced technologies to straighten teeth in dramatically less time than traditional orthodontics. In fact, your treatment time with SureSmile® can be reduced by as much as 40 percent, with fewer office visits as well. Dr. Wright is one of only 10 dentists in Georgia who offers SureSmile® treatment.

SureSmile® is the most advanced teeth-straightening system available today. It straightens your teeth with greater precision and accuracy and achieves noticeable results in a shorter time frame than conventional braces.

By using imaging, software and special robotic technology, SureSmile® allows the orthodontist to design a series of customized archwires that create a more precise alignment of teeth. Traditional braces rely on taking molds of your teeth and bending wires by hand, but SureSmile® uses incredibly detailed 3-dimensional digital molds to guide treatment. With these 3-D models, orthodontists are able to design the individual movements for each of your teeth, from start to finish, through virtual simulation. By setting the final outcome up front, the orthodontist can keep teeth moving directly to the prescribed position through a more predictable process.

The SureSmile® robot will fabricate custom archwires to use at each step of the treatment process. When attached to the brackets on a patient’s teeth, these wires create the most comfortable positioning possible while driving more efficient movement of the teeth. Because the robot can make smaller and tighter bends in the wires, teeth move more precisely and directly toward their final situations.

When comparing SureSmile® to traditional braces, SureSmile® offers a higher level of precision, fewer office visits, less discomfort and quicker results.


Invisalign® is an innovative orthodontic treatment that is much less obvious than traditional braces. Instead of metal brackets and wires, Invisalign® uses clear plastic aligner trays to straighten teeth and correct jaw issues. Invisalign® aligner trays are virtually unnoticeable, so you won’t feel self-conscious about your smile. These custom-made trays are very comfortable and easy to wear. Also, the trays can be removed when eating or drinking, making it easier to keep your teeth clean.

With Invisalign®, you wear a custom-made set of aligner trays for two weeks and then switch them out for another set that continues to slowly adjust your teeth with virtually no pain.

Some of the issues that can be corrected with Invisalign® include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Widely spaced teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite

Invisalign® is a popular choice for both adults and teens.

To learn more about SureSmile® and Invisalign®, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

Four Indications You May Need Orthodontics

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends children see an orthodontist at age seven for an initial evaluation. This gives orthodontists a base of comparison as they grow and allows them to determine if there are any issues that might require early intervention. The most common issues that create orthodontic challenges include crooked or overcrowded teeth, gaps, misaligned jaws, speech issues and teeth misalignments.

#1: Crooked or Overcrowded Teeth

Whether baby teeth fell out too early or teeth just seemed to come in out of alignment, the result is crooked teeth. Crooked or overcrowded teeth can easily make people feel self-conscious about their appearance, especially when smiling. Luckily, orthodontics can reposition teeth for a bright and bold smile.

#2: Too Much Space Between Teeth

While some children have problems with overcrowding, others have too much space between their teeth. Braces straighten teeth to close the gaps.

#3: Speech Concerns

Speech impediments such as lisps are often due to the misalignment of the teeth. Orthodontics repositions teeth so that they are properly aligned thus greatly diminishing or eliminating common speech issues.

#4: Misaligned Jaw

One of the many benefits of orthodontics is the ability to realign the jaws so that they fit together as they should. This is something that orthodontists may detect during early intervention.

Orthodontics corrects a host of problems within the mouth and structure of the face, whether functional or cosmetic. If you’re interested in seeing an orthodontist, please contact us to set up a consultation with Dr. Marc S. Wright today.

Can Invisalign® Fix an Overbite?

Our patients with an overbite frequently inquire whether Invisalign® is a potential solution. The answer is “yes!” Invisalign® is a technologically-advanced orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligner trays to straighten teeth without being very noticeable. They are offered to adults seeking orthodontic treatments because they require more diligence and responsibility on the part of patients to consistently wear and care for them.

In its inception, Invisalign® was used to treat mild issues such as overcrowding and minor teeth realignment. As the treatment progressed, Invisalign® has been recommended for more orthodontic issues, including an overbite.

What is an Overbite?

An overbite is a dental condition in which the upper teeth noticeably protrude out from the lower teeth when the mouth is closed, and teeth are clenched together. It may result from thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, excessive use of bottles or pacifiers, or, simply, genetics.

For those with an extensive overbite, it is common for the upper teeth to protrude over the bottom lip (horizontal overbite). When adults suffer from overbites and want to correct their teeth, they may be even concerned about the awkwardness of wearing metal braces.

How Does Invisalign® Fix an Overbite?

Invisalign® is used most often in patients with mild to moderate orthodontic issues. Unless the overbite is severe, orthodontists can fix an overbite with Invisalign®. The key to successful treatments for overbites is following the protocol and wearing the aligners continuously to ensure the teeth are moved into the correct position.

With Invisalign®, clear aligner trays are worn about 22 hours a day – all the time except when eating and brushing. Over time, the aligners push protruding teeth back and into their proper position. Every two weeks, new trays are placed over the teeth to continue the process of moving the teeth.

Patients with overbites typically require treatment times of up to two years depending on the extent of the protrusion. Once the treatment is complete, they must wear retainers to ensure their teeth stay in place until the gums and bones around the teeth are able to secure the teeth.

What About Severe Overbites?

Severe overbites may require a more extensive protocol such as traditional metal braces. This is due to the control that the wire and brackets have in shifting teeth back into their correct positions then pushing them back to diminish the overbite. Some severe overbites require orthodontic treatments to expand the skeletal area of the mouth to accommodate the repositioning of the teeth.

Can Overbites be Prevented?

Overbites can be minimized or prevented by averting childhood habits like thumb sucking and nail-biting. When genetics is at play, early intervention is important. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children see an orthodontist as early as age seven.

Let’s Correct Your Overbite

Adults with overbites have options to correct their misaligned teeth. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Marc S. Wright to see if Invisalign® or another treatment is the best option to correct an overbite.

What are the Most Common Orthodontic Problems Doctors See?

Dr. Marc S. Wright is a renowned orthodontist and experienced in a variety of dental issues that stem from the teeth and jaw. The most common issues treated at Wright Orthodontics are described below.

Abnormal eruption

Humans have both a temporary and permanent dentition that are more commonly known as baby and permanent teeth. Normal dentition would include having your baby teeth fall out and be replaced by, what we call, erupting permanent teeth within the span of a few months. An abnormal eruption is when the permanent tooth grows in the wrong place. This can be corrected through extraction, or by placing a type of orthodontic wire to move the tooth into the proper position.


A crossbite is a misalignment of the front or back teeth (or both) and if it is left uncorrected it can be detrimental to your health. Braces are a common tool to help fix this problem, but the type of which is dependent on the type of crossbite and how bad it is.


Crowding is a common problem that occurs when there are too many teeth to fit in the mouth. This can cause failure of teeth to come through the gums and can cause severe pain to the patient. Depending on the cause of the crowding, treatment can either be extraction or braces.

Excessive spacing

Abnormally large spaces between teeth can be caused either by genetics or because the patient has missing teeth. Spacing should be corrected to prevent gum problems that stem from lack of protection and allow the teeth to function properly. For this particular problem, diastema braces are a common solution.


An overbite is defined as when the lower teeth bite into the roof of the mouth. Depending on the severity of the condition, this can cause the teeth to cut into the roof of the mouth, which can lead to further health problems. Invisalign® is an increasingly popular selection for the treatment of this problem, but regular braces will work as well.


This problem can be caused by genetics or childhood habits, and the results can include discomfort in the jaw and teeth as well as difficulty chewing. Treatment can be imperative to improving your self-confidence and overall mental health. Invisalign® is another popular treatment option for this problem.

If you’re interested in improving the quality of your dentition for health concerns that include your mental health, you should contact our highly trained staff of Wright Orthodontics to schedule your appointment today.

Watch Out for The Sugar In Halloween Candy!

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GADuring Halloween children eat more candy than they do all year. Candy is very hard on teeth and braces and should be avoided or reduced to guarantee the best orthodontic results.

How Candy Can Harm Your Orthodontic Work

The brackets, bands, and attachments that make up your braces are sensitive to force. There are different types of candy and many forms are hard and/or sticky. Hard candies can get stuck in parts of braces or cause damage to the teeth because of the force that is required to chew and break down the candy. At Wright Orthodontics it is quite common to repair braces that have chipped or popped off due to hard or sticky foods (most commonly candies).

What to Do to Maintain the Health of Your Teeth

Your braces are an investment, and you want to give them the best possible chance of improving your smile. Follow these tips to help maintain the health of your teeth:

  • Brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis
  • Avoid foods that could cause damage to your dental devices
  • Schedule regular dental appointments (even after orthodontic care)
  • Discuss with your orthodontist any concerns you have about treatment

It may be tough to avoid the foods you or your children love, but avoiding them will save you trouble in the long run and keep your teeth healthy and braces happy.

Wright Orthodontics encourages our patients in both Atlanta and Marietta, GA to avoid or limit candy consumption with braces to achieve the best results possible and maintain dental health. Feel free to contact us with any questions or to schedule a checkup.


How Can Candy Damage Your Teeth and Braces?

Orthodontics in Atlanta and Marietta, GAIf you have braces and regular sugar cravings you may find it hard to resist reaching for a candy bar from time to time. There are a number of recommended foods to avoid during braces treatment, and candy tops the list.

How Candy Can Damage Your Teeth

Candy is bad for your teeth, regardless of whether or not you have braces, but why? Candy is packed full of sugar, which is a carbohydrate. The bacteria that form on your teeth and cause tooth decay feed on carbohydrates. Tooth decay, enamel breakdown, and cavities can all result from eating too much candy. Braces make it hard to rid your teeth of the excess sugar in your mouth, which makes you more prone to dental issues.

You may also find your teeth stained after getting your braces removed if you eat candy. Candy yellows the teeth, and since the brackets for your braces protect a portion of each tooth; it is possible this section will be whiter when your braces are removed.

How Candy Can Damage Your Braces

The world is full of different types of candies, and many of them are hard and sticky. Biting through hard candy or sucking on sticky candy puts stress on your teeth and braces, making the braces, brackets, and bands on your teeth more prone to breakage.

It is very common for brackets and attachments to pop off under hard stress, requiring reattachment by your orthodontist. When your orthodontic devices break it also delays treatment, which can prolong the need to wear traditional braces.

Wright Orthodontics encourages our patients in both Atlanta and Marietta, GA to avoid eating candy with braces to achieve the best results possible and maintain dental health. Contact us with any questions or to schedule a checkup.


Show Off that Smile, Laughter is Best for Your Health!

Orthodontics in Atlanta and Marietta, GAOne of the first things we tend to notice about people is their smile. There is nothing quite like a perfect set of pearly whites. So why not make your smile the best it can be? When it comes to your overbite or your underbite, too much space between teeth or too little, or even just that one crooked tooth, there is no reason not to fix it. Your smile tells a lot about you, and you deserve to have the smile you want.

Braces can seem scary. You may not desire to have all that metal in your mouth; however, there is nothing to fear. Plus, some orthodontic issues may not even require braces to be fixed. Invisalign, for example, provides an alternative to traditional braces through the use of a clear, comfortable tray that conforms to your teeth. Whether you go the traditional route or not, there is never a reason to avoid orthodontic treatment if you need it.

Orthodontic treatment is great for a variety of reasons. If you have more serious issues, like a misaligned jaw, then it can help you get to a healthier you. If you have a more cosmetic issue, like a crooked tooth, it can help you get to a happier you. When you feel insecure about your teeth, you will hide your real smile behind a closed lip one or a half smirk. Get a smile you know you can feel confident with and let your laughter shine through. A smile you can believe in leads to higher self-esteem and a happier you. No matter the reason you seek orthodontic treatment, it will get you smiling bigger and better than ever.

Why wait when it comes to getting the smile you deserve? To schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Marc S. Wright in Atlanta and Marietta, GA at (404) 507-2078.