Braces FAQS
Atlanta and Marietta, GA


Wright Orthodontics offers advanced orthodontic treatments for adults, teenagers and children in Atlanta, Marietta, and the surrounding areas of Georgia. Our braces FAQs answer the most common questions about these popular orthodontic appliances.

Why Do I Need Braces?

Your dentist may have referred you to an orthodontist based on problems that were found during your dental examination or cleaning. Braces help with:

  • Crooked and overlapping teeth
  • Crowding
  • Spaces between the teeth
  • Bite problems
  • Poor jaw alignment
  • Promoting proper development of the teeth and jaw

How Do Braces Work?

The jaw bone naturally forms around the root of your teeth. Braces work by placing a constant level of pressure on the teeth to gradually move them into a new position. As the teeth move, your body produces bone material around the root of the tooth to hold it in place. Dr. Marc S. Wright periodically tightens the braces to continuously move the teeth into the desired position.

Can Anyone Wear Braces?

Just about anyone can wear braces, even adults. If your child needs braces, Dr. Marc S. Wright may recommend two-phase treatment that helps the jaw develop properly and decreases the amount of orthodontic work that needs to be done in the adolescent years.

What Can I Do to Feel More Comfortable About Having Braces?

Modern braces take aesthetics into consideration. Some of the ways that you can make your braces fun and comfortable are:

What Are Children’s Braces?

Children’s braces use many of the same techniques as those for teens and adults. The primary difference is that the goal is to minimize the amount of orthodontic work that is needed in the future versus achieving a perfect smile at a young age.

Are Braces Affordable?

Braces are covered by most dental insurance policies, and we work with the most common insurance carriers. After Dr. Marc S. Wright develops your treatment plan, we review coverage with you and estimate your out-of-pocket costs. If the out-of-pocket costs cause a financial burden, we encourage you to learn about our financing options through CareCredit®.

What Should I Do If My Dentist Says I Need Braces?

Once your dentist makes the referral for braces and other orthodontic treatments, contact our office to schedule a free initial consultation with Dr. Marc S. Wright.

If you have questions after reading our braces FAQs, contact us to learn more and schedule a free initial consultation with Dr. Marc S. Wright. He offers braces for patients of all ages who live in Atlanta, Marietta, and the surrounding areas of Georgia.