What Foods Can I Eat with Braces in Marietta, GA?

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAIf you have braces, you must remember that crunchy, chewy, sticky, gooey foods can damage your braces.

Here are some rules to help you eat right with braces:

  • Nothing hard
  • Nothing sticky
  • Do not eat big mouthfuls
  • Do not tear things with your teeth
  • Limit yourself to one soda per week (regular or diet) – the carbonation can give you problems

Foods You Can’t Eat with Braces

You want to avoid foods that are going to stick to the wiring or detach a bracket from its tooth. Here is a short list of specific foods to avoid when wearing braces:

  • Gum
  • Hard candy
  • Sticky candy
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Ice
  • Thick tortilla chips
  • Whole apples or carrots (cut them into smaller pieces before eating)
  • Hard French bread crust and rolls
  • Corn on the cob (cut the corn off the cob before eating)
  • Thick bagels
  • Thick pizza crust
  • Large hard pretzels
  • Chewable vitamins (hard or soft)

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

You should stick to food options that are low in sugar to help prevent areas of decay from forming around your braces. Here is a list of foods that you can enjoy while wearing braces.

  • Dairy – soft cheese, pudding, milk-based drinks
  • Breads – soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins without nuts
  • Grains – pasta, soft-cooked rice
  • Meats & poultry – soft cooked chicken, meatballs, lunch meats
  • Seafood – tuna, salmon, crab cakes
  • Vegetables – mashed potatoes, steamed spinach, beans
  • Fruits – applesauce, bananas, fruit juice
  • Chocolate (without nuts)
  • Marshmallow
  • Cake
  • Ice cream or popsicles
  • Jell-O
  • Low sugar, non-carbonated drinks
  • Cookies and crackers (stay away from the crunchy ones)
  • Chips
  • Cheetos
  • Soft breads or toast
  • Sandwiches
  • Pizza
  • Burritos
  • Hamburgers
  • Hot dogs
  • Meat – bite size without the bone (avoid chewy meats)
  • Salads
  • Raw vegetables
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Fruit
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • Rice
  • Sushi
  • Cold cereal (not hard granola)
  • Hot cereals
  • Soup
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Pasta dishes
  • Cheese

To learn more about braces, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

The 411 on Brushing with Braces in Marietta, GA

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GABrushing your teeth while wearing braces is just as important, if not more important, than brushing your teeth when you don’t have braces.

If you have braces, you cannot simply brush your teeth like you always have because even the best toothbrush will not be able to thoroughly clean around the  brackets and wires. Also, if you have braces, you have to be careful of your brackets and wires while brushing. If you’re not careful, you can actually dislodge a wire or damage a bracket.

Helpful Tips for Brushing Your Teeth While Wearing Braces

Brushing your teeth thoroughly at least every morning and night is the best way to prevent cavities and other complications while wearing braces. The American Dental Association advises brushing after every meal. Here are seven important tips to help make sure that you keep your teeth clean while wearing braces:

  • Find the right toothbrush – If you wear braces, a toothbrush with soft bristles is the better choice than stiffer bristles. The stiffer bristles are more likely to bend a wire or break a bracket off a tooth. A softer toothbrush is better at molding around your brackets for better cleaning.
  • Rinse first – Start by rinsing your mouth out with water. This will help to get some of the loose food particles out.
  • Start brushing without toothpaste – The foaming action of toothpaste can obscure your view of your teeth and the brackets, so it will be difficult to see if everything is clean. Start off without toothpaste and clean around the brackets. Then, add a bit of toothpaste and go over your teeth again.
  • Pick, don’t scrub – When removing debris or plaque from around a wire or bracket, it is important not to scrub. Picking is less likely to damage the bracket and is usually more effective when it comes to removing debris that can build up around our brackets and teeth. Picking is especially important when it comes to cleaning underwires.
  • Take enough time to brush thoroughly – You need to spend at least two minutes cleaning your teeth, especially when you have braces. Dedicate thirty seconds to each quarter of your mouth. If needed, set a timer to train yourself to brush a full two minutes.
  • Use the right toothpaste – The right brand of toothpaste for you is one that you’ll actually use. As long as the toothpaste has fluoride, it will work perfectly as long as you brush for a full two minutes.
  • Avoid using whitening products when you have braces – Do not use whitening toothpaste or whitening mouthwash when wearing braces. If you do, the whitening product will only work on the surfaces it touches (not under the brackets), so you’ll have uneven tooth color when your braces get removed.

To learn more about braces, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

Navigating Dental Insurance

Dental insurance can be complicated, but just like general health insurance, it is important to understand the coverage, benefits and out-of-pocket costs associated with your plan.

Understanding Your Coverage

Your dental insurance should cover necessary dental maintenance and emergencies. For example, it is uncommon for insurance to cover for teeth whitening services. The plans layout what is considered protocol on an annual basis and determine how much the dentist receives as compensation. Depending on the coverage, the fees may be paid via direct reimbursement or by submitting claims.

You also need to determine if the dentist or orthodontist you prefer to work with accept your dental health coverage. The majority of policies have “in-network” and “out-of-network” schedules that indicate what they pay and what you pay. To ensure your out-of-pocket costs are as low as possible it’s important to choose an in-network provider.

Determining Your Needs

If you take good care of your teeth and typically don’t have problems, you may want a policy that covers basic care (cleanings and fillings) and emergencies; however, if you haven’t practiced good oral hygiene or anticipate having some more invasive procedures, you may want a more detailed policy. You should also consider whether to include orthodontic coverage.

Selecting Your Coverage

Dental insurance plans provide a list of covered treatments and procedures to give you the opportunity to select the one that fits your needs. You can select plans that cover the basics or plans that provide coverage for more procedures.

Important Considerations

When selecting dental insurance, there are important considerations to know. Always know the following:

  • What is your monthly premium?
  • What is your out of pocket expense for each treatment?
  • What kind of coverage do you want?
  • Do you have lifetime limits?
  • Do you have coverage for family members?
  • Does your coverage include out-of-network dentists?

Dental insurance can be very confusing especially if you have never had it. The majority of companies provide insurance experts through their human resources departments; don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you are getting coverage on your own, ask the customer service representative your questions. Once you have all your information, you can make an informed decision. And, of course, if you have questions about how the services at Wright Orthodontics fits into your dental insurance plan, contact us.

5 Things to Say to Your Kids After They Get Braces

It is not uncommon for children to be less than thrilled with their braces. After your braces appointment your child may be disappointed and upset about the mild discomfort. The behavior is completely normal and will adjust as their braces become part of their routine. On that ride home, try these helpful phrases to ensure your child that braces are in their best interest.

#1: “The pain is temporary.”

Yes, it may hurt right now, but the pain is temporary and only lasts a few days. The pain comes from the teeth beginning to shift into their proper place. Give them some over-the-counter pain medication to diminish the soreness.

#2: “You sound just the same.”

Another thing that is temporary is any kind of speech impediment. Whether it is a lisp or difficult to pronounce certain letters, it just takes some time to get used to braces. One suggestion is to tell them to read out loud, so they can get used to talking with braces.

#3: “You can have a smoothie for dinner.”

One of the only benefits of the pain or discomfort from getting braces is that your kids can have smoothies for dinner (and possibly ice cream for dessert).

#4: “You can change your colors.”

Metal braces often require elastic ligatures or bands. The elastics come in different colors, so your son or daughter can pick different colors based on their mood or time of year. The fun colors make braces a little more bearable and gives them something to think about when appointments are approaching.

#5: “Your smile will be beautiful for life.”

The good thing about braces is that they are temporary. The objective is to correct orthodontic issues and straighten your child’s teeth so that they can have a confident, beautiful smile. When they get down in the dumps, remind them to keep their eye on the prize – a beautiful smile.

At Wright Orthodontics we make every effort to keep your child excited about the process of correcting their teeth. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a consultation.




The Best Ways to Care for Your Teeth With Braces

Orthodontics in Atlanta and Marietta, GABraces create many pockets for harmful plaque buildup. Even though patients visit with Dr. Marc S. Wright once a month, regular oral hygiene is really a responsibility of the patient. In order to maintain and properly clean your teeth, it requires daily dedication. There’s no doubt that keeping your mouth clean and healthy will guarantee a mouth full of shining, straight teeth when your braces are removed. Follow these simple steps from Dr. Marc S. Wright to avoid discoloration and cavities during your orthodontic treatment.

Brush After Every Meal

If you can keep food from getting stuck in the natural crevices of the teeth, you are more likely to avoid the buildup of plaque. At Wright Orthodontics we recommend brushing your teeth after each meal to dislodge bits of food from between your teeth and brackets. When brushing, make sure to focus on all the surfaces of your teeth, from front and back to top and bottom. Brush for at least two minutes and spend most of your time focusing on the hard to reach places in the very back of your mouth. If brushing causes you pain Dr. Marc S. Wright recommends investing in toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Use an Interdental Toothbrush

Your toothbrush will likely need replacing more often when you begin brushing with braces. We often recommend our patients purchase an interdental toothbrush, which can make it easier to get between your brackets and in hard to reach places.

Floss Twice Per Day

At the very minimum, you should brush and floss twice per day – regardless of whether or not you are an orthodontic patient. However, flossing is more important than ever when you are wearing braces. Many of our patients find that floss threaders or floss picks make it easier to get between your teeth than standard string floss. While flossing, pay attention to getting the floss under your gum line on both sides of your tooth, then massage between your teeth and gums to dislodge any lingering bacteria or plaque. You may choose to rinse with water or an oral rinse with fluoride. Fluoride is your best friend while wearing braces; not only does it prevent cavities, but it can reduce the chances of staining.

See a Professional Regularly

Finally, the most important step in maintaining your oral health while wearing braces is to attend regular checkups with your orthodontist. At Wright Orthodontics, your health and comfort are our top priorities. Dr. Marc S. Wright will work with you to make sure you get the best possible results from your orthodontic treatment.

Although paying so much attention to brushing and flossing might sound cumbersome, the majority of our patients find the more they pay attention to their oral hygiene routine, the less work brushing and flossing becomes. If you keep your mouth clean, brushing will be a breeze.

Contact us at Wright Orthodontics today at our Atlanta or Marietta office to learn more about keeping your braces clean and our full service orthodontic treatments.

Is Invisalign® Right for Me?

One of the most popular alternatives to braces, Invisalign®, gets its name from the fact that it is practically invisible on the teeth. Because Dr. Marc S. Wright is an Invisalign® provider, we put this article together to provide patients with a better understanding of how this product can work for them.

How Invisalign® works

Each aligner of Invisalign® is custom made to fit the teeth of the patient and is used to slowly push and pull the teeth back into a predesigned place. Each set of aligner trays is worn for two weeks before being switched out to another to continue the process of fixing the teeth. The aligners themselves are made from a smooth and clear material to make the product discrete and unnoticeable to others.

Treatment process

Invisalign® is used to treat a number of dental issues such as crooked or gapped teeth. It is used to straighten and correct teeth in a way that is subtler than braces and was designed to be removed. This makes it easier to keep your teeth clean while eating and drinking and is perfect for people who prefer an easier treatment process that doesn’t interfere as much with their day-to-day activities.

Difference between Invisalign® and braces

While both braces and Invisalign® can handle simple and complex cases, only Invisalign® does so while remaining virtually invisible. Invisalign® is designed with material that provides a more controllable path for teeth movements. It prevents injuries that can be sustained from wires and sharp brackets as well as general pain. Patients of Invisalign® have reported that it is easier to see results after each stage in comparison to braces.

For patients with issues ranging from overbites to crooked teeth, Invisalign® can be a more appealing alternative to braces that could crowd the mouth and call attention to dental problems. Dr. Marc S. Wright is exceptionally experienced with this treatment process, and our offices in Marietta and Atlanta, Georgia will help you remain comfortable and well taken care of. If you’re looking to improve your dental health or correct a problem to improve your self-confidence, our offices are happy to help. Please contact us to schedule your appointment today.

How Can Candy Damage Your Teeth and Braces?

Orthodontics in Atlanta and Marietta, GAIf you have braces and regular sugar cravings you may find it hard to resist reaching for a candy bar from time to time. There are a number of recommended foods to avoid during braces treatment, and candy tops the list.

How Candy Can Damage Your Teeth

Candy is bad for your teeth, regardless of whether or not you have braces, but why? Candy is packed full of sugar, which is a carbohydrate. The bacteria that form on your teeth and cause tooth decay feed on carbohydrates. Tooth decay, enamel breakdown, and cavities can all result from eating too much candy. Braces make it hard to rid your teeth of the excess sugar in your mouth, which makes you more prone to dental issues.

You may also find your teeth stained after getting your braces removed if you eat candy. Candy yellows the teeth, and since the brackets for your braces protect a portion of each tooth; it is possible this section will be whiter when your braces are removed.

How Candy Can Damage Your Braces

The world is full of different types of candies, and many of them are hard and sticky. Biting through hard candy or sucking on sticky candy puts stress on your teeth and braces, making the braces, brackets, and bands on your teeth more prone to breakage.

It is very common for brackets and attachments to pop off under hard stress, requiring reattachment by your orthodontist. When your orthodontic devices break it also delays treatment, which can prolong the need to wear traditional braces.

Wright Orthodontics encourages our patients in both Atlanta and Marietta, GA to avoid eating candy with braces to achieve the best results possible and maintain dental health. Contact us with any questions or to schedule a checkup.


Caring For Your Smile After Invisalign® Treatment

Invisalign® in Atlanta and Marietta, GAAn Invisalign® treatment is a lifelong investment and should be cared for and protected as such. Caring for your retainer, brushing and flossing, as well as scheduling regular appointments with your dentist or orthodontist can help prolong your results and keep your smile bright.

Proper Retainer Care

Unfortunately, tending to your smile doesn’t end when your Invisalign® treatment is over. Wearing a retainer is imperative to maintaining your new and improved smile. You retainer keeps your teeth in place, but only if they are worn as frequently as instructed. Failure to wear a retainer means there is nothing to prevent your teeth from shifting back into their original position. In fact, it is this mistake that leads many people to seek Invisalign® treatment in the first place.

Many of our Invisalign® patients have had braces in the past, usually during adolescence, and neglected to wear their retainers, which allowed their teeth to shift back to their original positions, disrupting their smile. Invisalign® retainers are very similar to the aligners you wore during treatment and are typically only to be worn at night.

Since your retainer is such an important part of maintaining your smile, it should be cared for properly:

  • Replace your retainer every year. Retainers do more than holding your teeth in place. They protect your teeth from damage due to common issues like nighttime teeth grinding. For this reason, they do wear and should be replaced by your dentist every nine months to a year.
  • Clean your retainer every night. We recommend that you avoid cleaning your retainer with toothpaste, as toothpaste contains abrasives that could dull its finish and lead to a buildup of bacteria. The easiest way to clean a retainer is to purchase drop-in They are several brands that are made just for cleaning dental devices.

Brushing and Flossing

Brushing and flossing are essential to keeping your teeth healthy. After an Invisalign® treatment, your gums will be more sensitive for a week or two. At this point in the treatment process your teeth have been protected by Invisalign® aligner trays for quite some time and may be sensitive to certain foods, food temperatures, and brushing and flossing.

When brushing and flossing during this period be sure to take extra care and avoid damage to your teeth and gums.

Regular Check-Ups

Regular dental checkups are important for everyone, but especially for Invisalign® patients. During these checkups, your dentist will inspect your smile to see that your teeth are staying put. If needed your dentist or orthodontist can make adjustments to your retainers. You will also receive replacement retainers at these appointments if your retainers begin to wear.

Wright Orthodontics encourages our patients in both Atlanta and Marietta, GA to stay on top of their post Invisalign® regimen to maintain their healthy new smile. Feel free to contact us with any questions or to schedule a checkup.