Marietta Orthodontic Retainer Care Instructions

Orthodontic Retainers in Atlanta and Marietta, GAAfter your braces come off, you will still have to wear a retainer to ensure that your teeth remain in place.

A retainer is a device worn around the teeth once braces are removed. Retainers allow the bones to tighten around your newly straightened teeth to assure that they stay in alignment. Your retainer is custom made to fit only your teeth, and it plays an essential role in the final stages of your orthodontic treatment.

How Long Will I Have to Wear My Retainers?

The amount of time that you will wear your retainers will depend on many variables. Typically, patients wear their retainers for a couple of years to ensure that the bone structure and the gums tighten around your realigned teeth. Throughout the retention process, you will meet with Dr. Wright to evaluate the fit of your retainer so that slight adjustments can be made if necessary.

You will wear your retainers 24 hours a day; however, they will be removed when eating, for cleaning, and when participating in contact sports.

How to Care for Your Retainers

Brushing your retainer is just as important as brushing your teeth on a daily basis. Cleaning your retainer allows you to remove food debris. To keep your retainers clean, brush them with a toothbrush and toothpaste every time you brush your teeth. If they are not kept clean, the retainers will get a plaque build-up and an odor. You should also rinse your retainer after every meal.

In addition to keeping your retainers clean, there are other important steps you should follow to safeguard your retainers. If you have pets, it is important to keep your retainer away from them. Pets look at retainers as chew toys.

You will be given a protective case for your retainer. Always keep your retainer in its protective case when it is not in your mouth. When you take your retainers out to eat, never wrap retainers in a napkin. You may forget about them and mistake them for trash that gets thrown away. Also, never put your retainer directly into your pocket, purse or backpack without the protective case. Your retainer might become bent or crushed, and it is costly to replace.

Keep your retainer away from heat to keep it from changing shape. Your retainer will melt or warp if it gets hot. Never leave your retainer in a hot car, or by a stove or heater. Never put your retainer in a washing machine or in hot or boiling water.

To learn more about retainers, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

SureSmile® vs. Invisalign® Services in Atlanta, GA

SureSmile® Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAYour smile is important, so you want the best treatment options to get that perfect smile. Dr. Wright offers the most advanced teeth straightening methods to help you achieve that smile in the best possible way.

If you are thinking about straightening your teeth, you will want to consider treatment with SureSmile® or Invisalign®. The following information tells you about both of these cutting-edge treatment plans.


SureSmile® is an innovative orthodontic treatment that utilizes advanced technologies to straighten teeth in dramatically less time than traditional orthodontics. In fact, your treatment time with SureSmile® can be reduced by as much as 40 percent, with fewer office visits as well. Dr. Wright is one of only 10 dentists in Georgia who offers SureSmile® treatment.

SureSmile® is the most advanced teeth-straightening system available today. It straightens your teeth with greater precision and accuracy and achieves noticeable results in a shorter time frame than conventional braces.

By using imaging, software and special robotic technology, SureSmile® allows the orthodontist to design a series of customized archwires that create a more precise alignment of teeth. Traditional braces rely on taking molds of your teeth and bending wires by hand, but SureSmile® uses incredibly detailed 3-dimensional digital molds to guide treatment. With these 3-D models, orthodontists are able to design the individual movements for each of your teeth, from start to finish, through virtual simulation. By setting the final outcome up front, the orthodontist can keep teeth moving directly to the prescribed position through a more predictable process.

The SureSmile® robot will fabricate custom archwires to use at each step of the treatment process. When attached to the brackets on a patient’s teeth, these wires create the most comfortable positioning possible while driving more efficient movement of the teeth. Because the robot can make smaller and tighter bends in the wires, teeth move more precisely and directly toward their final situations.

When comparing SureSmile® to traditional braces, SureSmile® offers a higher level of precision, fewer office visits, less discomfort and quicker results.


Invisalign® is an innovative orthodontic treatment that is much less obvious than traditional braces. Instead of metal brackets and wires, Invisalign® uses clear plastic aligner trays to straighten teeth and correct jaw issues. Invisalign® aligner trays are virtually unnoticeable, so you won’t feel self-conscious about your smile. These custom-made trays are very comfortable and easy to wear. Also, the trays can be removed when eating or drinking, making it easier to keep your teeth clean.

With Invisalign®, you wear a custom-made set of aligner trays for two weeks and then switch them out for another set that continues to slowly adjust your teeth with virtually no pain.

Some of the issues that can be corrected with Invisalign® include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Widely spaced teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite

Invisalign® is a popular choice for both adults and teens.

To learn more about SureSmile® and Invisalign®, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

How Many Sessions Are Needed for Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Marietta, GA?

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GAThe Zoom® teeth whitening system is an innovative teeth whitening system that removes stains and lightens tooth enamel in a quick and safe manner. During this treatment, your teeth can become up to eight shades lighter, giving you the shiny white smile you’ve always wanted.

How Does Zoom!® Work?

Over time our teeth become discolored due to staining and wear and tear. Zoom!® whitening exfoliates the stains inside your teeth so they can go back to being their natural color.

Only one whitening session is needed to whiten your teeth. During the treatment, a hydrogen peroxide gel of 25 percent is used, and there will be three 15-minute sessions. Your lips, gums and eyes are protected and covered from the UV light, which activates the hydrogen peroxide. As the hydrogen peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin to bleach the stained substances, leaving the structure of the tooth unchanged. Between each session, the gel is removed from the surface of your teeth and a fresh layer of whitening gel is used.

The entire procedure takes only an hour or less time to complete.

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening brings your teeth back to their natural shade. But since every person’s natural tooth color is different, no two patients will have the same results.

The treatment varies with each patient, depending on the amount of whitening that has to be done.

How to Maintain Your Results

You will be given a Zoom!® home-use touch-up kit that includes custom-fitted whitening trays. Follow your dentist’s instructions for when and  how to use this touch-up kit.

To help maintain the whitening effects of your Zoom!® treatment, you should avoid certain foods and beverages (or consume them in moderation) to avoid re-staining your teeth. Some of the items you should avoid are red wine, cola, coffee, tea, berries and red sauces.

Another source of teeth staining is tobacco. If you smoke, your dentist will recommend that you quit.

To help prevent future staining, maintain a good oral hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing and see your dentist regularly for scheduled teeth cleanings.

You may also want to use toothpaste that contains whitening agents to help maintain your results.

As stains begin to build up again, you may want to have another Zoom!® whitening treatment. Some people whiten their teeth annually, while others do it every few years. It really depends on the person, the types of food and beverages they consume, whether they are a smoker and other variables.

To learn more about Zoom!® whitening, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening for Men and Women in Atlanta with Sensitive Teeth

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GAZoom!® is a bleaching process that is widely used to lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin. Tooth discoloration can have many causes – aging, smoking, or drinking dark liquids like red wine, coffee, tea and cola.

Before the Zoom!® teeth whitening procedure, an anti-sensitivity toothpaste can be used to help reduce sensitivity from the treatment.

The entire whitening procedure only takes about an hour or less. Immediately after the procedure, a sensitivity-reducing fluoride paste-gel is applied to the teeth to help reduce sensitivity.

Tooth Whitening and Sensitivity

Your teeth are covered in tiny, microscopic pores called tubules. The Zoom!® tooth whitening treatment opens these pores so the whitening agent can penetrate deep into the teeth. After a treatment, it is not unusual for sensitivity to occur for a couple of days. Since these pores were opened, anything that you expose your teeth to may irritate them and cause some pain – food, drinks or even just your breath may cause some sensitivity. While some people won’t notice anything out of the ordinary, others will have more sensitivity. Here’s what you can do to manage the discomfort:

  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen for a couple of days
  • Try breathing through your nose, not your mouth
  • Drink from a straw
  • Avoid any extreme hot or cold foods and beverages
  • Use an anti-sensitivity toothpaste
  • Use a fluoride rinse to reduce sensitivity

Patients with Sensitive Teeth

Before deciding whether the Zoom!® teeth whitening treatment is right for you, your dentist will conduct a comprehensive examination of your teeth and gums to ensure proper health. Your dentist will also discuss your oral hygiene and lifestyle habits to determine if you will benefit from Zoom!® teeth whitening.

If you’ve been thinking about Zoom!® Teeth Whitening, but you’ve got sensitive teeth, you may want to discuss it with your dentist. While the process is successful in at least 90 percent of patients, if you have very sensitive teeth, periodontal disease or teeth with worn enamel, this process may not be right for you.

To learn more about Zoom!® whitening, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

Marietta Residents Ask: Is Zoom!® Teeth Whitening Safe?

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GAZoom!® whitening is a quick and easy procedure that will whiten your teeth and give you the bright smile you’ve always wanted.

What Is Zoom!® Whitening?

Over time our teeth become discolored due to staining and wear and tear. Zoom!® whitening exfoliates the stains inside your teeth so they can go back to being their natural color. During the treatment, a hydrogen peroxide gel of 25 percent is used through three 15-minute sessions. Your lips, gums and eyes are protected and covered from the UV light, which activates the hydrogen peroxide. Between each session, the gel is removed from the surface of your teeth and a fresh layer of whitening gel is used.

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening does not go through plaque, so it is best to get a professional cleaning before undergoing Zoom!® treatments.

Zoom!® brings your teeth back to their natural shade. But since every person’s natural tooth color is different, no two patients will have the same results.

Is Zoom!® Whitening Safe?

Yes, Zoom!® whitening is safe. It has gone through extensive clinical studies and research over the years through various dental offices and laboratories. The best way to ensure a positive result is to have a certified, licensed dentist who has done the procedure multiple times and has a portfolio of patients who have had the procedure done.

Zoom!® is not recommended for lactating or pregnant women or children under the age of 13.

There are no serious side effects to the Zoom!® whitening process; however, there can be some sensitivity and a little pain. How you react to the treatment will depend upon how sensitive your teeth are.

There can be some cases where a small amount of the hydrogen peroxide goes past the protective barriers. This makes the gums a little sore, and those sections of the gums may turn white in color. However, this effect will only last about 48 hours after the treatment has been completed.

To learn more about Zoom!® whitening, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening Aftercare Instructions for Atlanta Residents

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Zoom!® Teeth Whitening in Atlanta and Marietta, GAOne of the first things people notice about you is your smile. If you have bright white teeth, it gives you confidence. But if you are unsatisfied with the shade of your smile, it might be time to consider Zoom!® Teeth Whitening.

Over time, your teeth will take on more of a grayish or yellow color. This is due to simple wear and tear as well as continued exposure to deep colored food and beverages. Smoking can also cause tooth discoloration.

Zoom!® whitening can dramatically improve the color of your teeth in just an hour or less, making teeth up to 8 shades whiter. With Zoom!® whitening, you’ll get professional, long-lasting results, provided your teeth get the proper aftercare. Here are the things you need to remember after your Zoom!® treatment to maintain your beautiful results.

Avoid Staining After Your Treatment

During your Zoom!® treatment, a powerful bleaching product is applied to the teeth and exposed to a special activation light. As the light activates the bleaching gel, it penetrates tooth enamel to break up and remove surface stains. This process also removes a protective layer around your teeth. After treatment, your teeth will remain porous for several days until the protective layer is regenerated. During this period, your teeth will be highly susceptible to new stains. That’s why it is so important to avoid foods and beverages that stain the teeth during this time. For at least 48 hours after your Zoom!® treatment you should avoid the following:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Wine
  • Cola
  • Berries
  • Juices
  • Mustard or ketchup
  • Red Sauces & tomatoes
  • Soy Sauce
  • Colored toothpastes or mouthwash
  • Tobacco

Many dentists recommend that dark liquids should be avoided for at least two weeks, and that afterwards, you should continue to drink dark liquids through a straw.

Good Oral Hygiene Is Key

Good oral hygiene is especially important when it comes to maintaining the results of your Zoom!® treatment. You should continue to brush at least twice a day and to floss each night. It is also important to drink plenty of water to avoid a buildup of bacteria and food particles around the teeth.

Dealing with Sensitivity

Because the teeth are more porous after Zoom!® whitening treatments, they may be more sensitive to extreme temperatures. Tooth sensitivity is a common side effect of Zoom!® whitening, but this sensitivity usually lasts only a few days. To help with the sensitivity, you may want to use a toothpaste or mouthwash designed for sensitive teeth. Try chewing some sugar-free gum. You can also use over-the-counter pain medication to make you more comfortable until the pain of sensitivity subsides.

To learn more about Zoom!® whitening, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

What Foods Can I Eat with Braces in Marietta, GA?

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Braces in Atlanta and Marietta, GAIf you have braces, you must remember that crunchy, chewy, sticky, gooey foods can damage your braces.

Here are some rules to help you eat right with braces:

  • Nothing hard
  • Nothing sticky
  • Do not eat big mouthfuls
  • Do not tear things with your teeth
  • Limit yourself to one soda per week (regular or diet) – the carbonation can give you problems

Foods You Can’t Eat with Braces

You want to avoid foods that are going to stick to the wiring or detach a bracket from its tooth. Here is a short list of specific foods to avoid when wearing braces:

  • Gum
  • Hard candy
  • Sticky candy
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Ice
  • Thick tortilla chips
  • Whole apples or carrots (cut them into smaller pieces before eating)
  • Hard French bread crust and rolls
  • Corn on the cob (cut the corn off the cob before eating)
  • Thick bagels
  • Thick pizza crust
  • Large hard pretzels
  • Chewable vitamins (hard or soft)

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

You should stick to food options that are low in sugar to help prevent areas of decay from forming around your braces. Here is a list of foods that you can enjoy while wearing braces.

  • Dairy – soft cheese, pudding, milk-based drinks
  • Breads – soft tortillas, pancakes, muffins without nuts
  • Grains – pasta, soft-cooked rice
  • Meats & poultry – soft cooked chicken, meatballs, lunch meats
  • Seafood – tuna, salmon, crab cakes
  • Vegetables – mashed potatoes, steamed spinach, beans
  • Fruits – applesauce, bananas, fruit juice
  • Chocolate (without nuts)
  • Marshmallow
  • Cake
  • Ice cream or popsicles
  • Jell-O
  • Low sugar, non-carbonated drinks
  • Cookies and crackers (stay away from the crunchy ones)
  • Chips
  • Cheetos
  • Soft breads or toast
  • Sandwiches
  • Pizza
  • Burritos
  • Hamburgers
  • Hot dogs
  • Meat – bite size without the bone (avoid chewy meats)
  • Salads
  • Raw vegetables
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Fruit
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • Rice
  • Sushi
  • Cold cereal (not hard granola)
  • Hot cereals
  • Soup
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Pasta dishes
  • Cheese

To learn more about braces, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.

What Foods Can I Eat with Invisalign® in Atlanta, GA?

Invisalign® in Atlanta and Marietta, GA

Invisalign® in Atlanta and Marietta, GAWhen you have braces, you have restrictions on which foods you can eat. Some foods could damage traditional braces. But with Invisalign®, there are no food restrictions because you remove the aligner trays when you eat. Since the aligner trays are not in the mouth during meals, you can eat whatever you want because the trays will not be affected by the food you consume. Since you won’t be wearing your trays during the meal, you can eat like you normally would.

If you are experiencing some discomfort adjusting to your new aligner trays, soft foods like eggs, yogurt and pasta can help ease any discomfort.

Brush and Floss After Every Meal

It is extremely important that you brush and floss after every meal. Never put your aligner trays back in without brushing first. Sticky and sugary foods can cling to the surfaces of the teeth and promote tooth decay. If you put your aligner trays back in before properly cleaning your teeth, you can trap this food debris and create an environment for cavities and tooth decay.

Staining the Aligner Trays

If you are a smoker, always remove your aligner trays before smoking. Smoking can stain your aligner trays.

Always remove your Invisalign® aligner trays before eating or drinking something that could permanently stain them. This includes coffee, tea and wine. Your aligner trays are made of a clear thermoplastic, which is sensitive to heat. Always remember that hot liquids may distort the shape of the aligner tray and affect its ability to perform as prescribed.

Best Foods to Eat with Invisalign®

There are no restrictions on eating with Invisalign® (you can eat anything you want to) – but there are some foods that are healthier for teeth than others. Here are some great foods to eat to support the health of your teeth whether you’re wearing Invisalign® or not:

  • Cheese – It’s rich in calcium, vitamin D and healthy fats.
  • Yogurt – It provides a lot of calcium, protein and beneficial bacteria.
  • Apples – When you eat an apple, your body produces more saliva that helps to wash away bacteria and any leftover food particles from your mouth.
  • Carrots – Their crunchy texture can help clear away food particles and plaque, and encourage your mouth to produce saliva.
  • Leafy Greens – Leafy greens are packed with minerals and vitamins that your body needs to keep bones strong (and teeth are bones). They’re also high in calcium.
  • Almonds – They provide you with calcium and protein, and their crunch can help to protect your teeth from plaque growth.
  • Celery – It’s filled with vitamins, and the texture helps to clear away food particles in the teeth.
  • Cucumbers – Their high water content hydrates the mouth as you eat, and the chewing motion is great for your teeth.
  • Onions – They contain antibacterial properties that can help kill off the bacteria that might be breeding in your mouth.

To learn more about Invisalign® treatments, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Wright Orthodontics has two convenient locations to serve you in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia. As always, your initial consultation at Wright Orthodontics is offered free of charge with no hidden fees.